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Bungotakada City Gallery

TeamLab Gallery Matama Beach

TeamLab Gallery Matama Beach

TeamLab Gallery Matama Beach

 This gallery is a permanent exhibition of "Kunisaki Peninsula", a participatory digital art work by TeamLab, which was created at the Kunisaki Peninsula Art Festival in 2014. The venue is a former sewing factory, and the work, which unfolds in a space of about 250 square meters, changes in response to the distance between viewers.
 When you approach a certain distance, flowers sprout around the viewer, and when you get too close, the flowers fall and wither. The flowers bloom and fall as if they were growing on their own, changing from moment to moment and never appearing the same again.

Area Bungotakada City
Genre Gallery
Location 4467-3 Usuno, Bungo Takada City, Oita Prefecture,872-1107
HP https://www.teamlab.art/jp/e/flowers_bungotakada/
Access 20 minutes by car from JR Usa Station
Parking Yes
Contact Bungo Takada City Tourism Town Planning Corporation
TEL: 0978-23-1860